Message from OI SW Region Vice-President Carol Hodges:
Hi my fellows Texans,
I am excited to be your VP for this year of “Choose Optimism”. The past few months have been a challenging time for all of us. We have had the opportunity to truly think and work outside the box.
I hope you have been taking advantage of the training being offered through the Learning Management System, the monthly webinars, and the Optimist Coffee Chats. There is also the opportunity to participate in the International Ultimate Preconvention Virtual Experiences! Check out the OI web site or the OI Facebook page.
Please also know that there are members of the international committees willing to assist you and your club in activities and projects.
And remember that Optimist Day is 4 February and International Day of Happiness is 20 March. Info on both of those are on the web site and in the Hotline.