OIF Grants | Deadlines Coming Up! | Childhood Heath and Wellness cycle 1: January 25.
Club Grant - New Projects - March 18, 2024
Info on the OI Foundation website:https://www.oifoundation.org/ |
Past Governors |
District Past Governors |
The District is grateful to the following individuals who have given their time and guidance to support our organization over the years through their service as District Governor. |
Current Governor
2023-2024 |
Read Full Governor's Message...
Slogan: "Optimists: Let's Connect"
Welcome to the new TexHoma District!
I have been a member of the Optimist Club of Fort Worth since 1997 and have served in most of the board positions of my home club. I became involved at the District level after my retirement from the City of Fort Worth, serving as Lt. Governor twice, District Foundation Rep three times, and most recently as the NTX webmaster.
I come from a family of service-oriented individuals: medical, military, religious, and public safety.
I'm excited to have the opportunity to start blazing new trails in Optimism in the Southwest. This has been home to me and my family for over 150 years. I am a native of the DFW area but have been all around this region in my travels and plan to see even more of it during the
Past Governors
2020-2021 |
Slogan: ""Choose Optimism""
I am proud to be serving as the NTX District Governor this year. I am a native Texan, originally from South Texas but lived most of my life in the Gulf Coast region where I started my Optimist journey 30 years ago. My wife, Georgia, and I moved to North Texas 8 years ago and I immediately became involved with local Optimists. I have served in many leadership positions at the club and district level but my passion is JOI club building. I am happy to call North Texas home and love the NTX District.
I choose Optimism!
2019-2020 |
Slogan: ""iServe""
2018-2019 |
Slogan: ""Make A Difference""
2017-2018 |
Slogan: ""Building Bridges""
2016-2017 |
Slogan: ""Everything's Bigger In Texas""
2015-2016 |
Slogan: ""I Double Dog Dare You to Be An Optimist""
2014-2015 |
Slogan: ""Make It Exceptional""
2021-2022 |
Read Full Governor's Message...
Slogan: ""Charting A New Course Together""
"I was born in south Texas and raised in Grand Prairie. I'm the youngest of 5 and the oldest of 2 (my mom and dad raised a grandchild). I am a dog mom; I am also an Aunt to over 40 nieces and nephews. I am a member of Breakfast Optimist Club of East Fort Worth. I have served as President and Lt. Governor. I look forward to serving as your Governor for the 2021-2022 Optimist year."
2022-2023 |
Read Full Governor's Message...
Slogan: "Optimists: Let's Get Fired Up!"
I have been a member of the Red River Optimist Club of Wichita Falls since 2014, but have been an Optimist since 2008.
I was born in Arizona to a military family and have travelled throughout the U.S. and Europe. I graduated from high school in Lawton, Oklahoma and joined the Army, serving as a CavScout and later served in the National Guard.
My wife and this year's "First Assistant", Cassie, has served as your NTX District Governor for two different terms and will be my right hand as we go through this year. I will work to do all I can to encourage and support all our clubs.
Let's Get Fired Up!!